Foto geotermia | Centrali e vapori a Larderello
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Foto geotermia. La galleria Foto geotermia comprende immagini riprese nel comune di Larderello in Toscana. In questa località, sino da epoche remote, sono presenti fenomeni di getti di vapore dal terreno. Anche Dante, nella sua Divina Commedia, per descrivere l’inferno, pare si sia ispirato al territorio di queste colline toscane. Agli inizi del 1900 è iniziato lo sfruttamento delle risorsa geotermica per la produzione di energia elettrica. L’ENEL possiede in quest’area diverse centrali geotermiche. La collezione foto geotermia include centrali geotermiche con le torri di condensazione dei vapori, getti di vapore che escono dal terreno, viste del museo della geotermia di Larderello. Foto geotermia comprende inoltre paesaggi delle colline metallifere con il borgo di Monterotondo Marittimo e il parco delle Biancane.
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Geothermal power plant. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation. Stock free photo.
Energia geotermica a Larderello. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Stock photo royalty free
Geothermal power station. Geothermal field with fumaroles and steam pipes. Geothermal power station.Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Larderello, Tuscany
Campo geotermico a Larderello. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Monterotondo near Larderello, Tuscany,
Condensation tower. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Landscape with sky and clouds. Larderello, Tuscany
Museo geotermia di Larderello. Larderello Geothermal Museum. Green industry that uses the heat. Fotografia royalty free. Toscana
Geothermal field. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo M. Geothermal energy in Tuscany on the metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Geotermia a Larderello. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Monterotondo, Larderello, Tuscany, Italy.
Dead oak tree in geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo. Geothermal energy in Tuscany on the metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Biancane. Dwarf cork oak at the Parco delle Biancane. Geothermal park with iron red colored rocks. Monterotondo Marittimo, near Larderello, Tuscany
Volcanic fumarles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Monterotondo, Larderello, Tuscany, Italy.
Centrale geotermica. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Monterotondo near Larderello, Tuscany,
Museo geotermia di Larderello. Settore verde che utilizza il calore della terra per produrre elettricità.
Tuscan village of Montecerboli. Roads to houses near Larderello.
Larderello geothermal museum. Green industry that uses the heat of the earth to produce electricity.
Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Larderello, Tuscany,
Museo delle Biancane dedicato alla produzione di energia elettrica geotermica. Parete in acciaio corten con insegna MUBIA
Geothermal energy with fumaroles and steam pipes. Geothermal power station. Condensation towers. Larderello.
Fumaroles. Geothermal field with steam pipes. Geothermal power station.Condensation towers. Larderello, Tuscany
Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Larderello, Tuscany.
Fumarole vulcaniche nel campo geotermico di Monterotondo. Geotermia in Toscana vicino a Larderello.
Geotermia in Toscana. Parco delle Biancane. Parco geotermico con rocce colorate di rosso ferro vicino Larderello.
Fumaroles in the geothermal field in Tuscany. Metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Energia geotermica. Fumarole vulcaniche sulle colline metallifere vicino a Larderello.
Geothermal energy in Tuscany. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field near Larderello.
Steam from the earth. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo M. Geothermal energy in Tuscany on the metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Vapore dalla terra. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Monterotondo, Larderello, Tuscany, Italy.
Jets of steam. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Monterotondo, Larderello, Tuscany, Italy.
Getti di vapore dalla terra. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Monterotondo, Larderello, Tuscany, Italy.
Geotermia a Larderello Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Monterotondo, Larderello, Tuscany, Italy.
Dead tree. Dead oak tree in geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo. Geothermal energy in Tuscany on the metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Albero secco. Dead oak tree in geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo. Geothermal energy in Tuscany on the metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Dead oak tree. Dead oak tree in geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo. Geothermal energy in Tuscany on the metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Dwarf tree. Dwarf cork oak at the Parco delle Biancane. Geothermal park with iron red colored rocks. Monterotondo Marittimo, near Larderello, Tuscany
White rocks. White rocks at the Parco delle Biancane. In the geothermal park the hydrogen sulfide cause a chemical reaction with the limestone transforming it into plaster. Monterotondo Marittimo, near Larderello, Tuscany
Geotermia a Larderello. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Monterotondo, Larderello, Tuscany, Italy.
Geothermal field. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Jets of steam come out of the earth. Monterotondo, Larderello, Tuscany, Italy.
Energia geotermica. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo M. Geothermal energy in Tuscany on the metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Rocce bianche. White rocks at the Biancane geothermal park. Steam jets and the town of Monterotondo Marittimo, near Larderello in Tuscany.
Monterotondo Marittimo. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo M. Geothermal energy in Tuscany on the metalliferous hills near Larderello.
Electricity producton. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation
Larderello geotermia. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation
Larderello geothermal. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation
Torri di condensazione. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation
Impianto geotermico. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. A ancient stone farmhouse. Larderello, Tuscany,