Video Aziende, banche e assicurazioni | Stock royalty free
Video aziende, banche, assicurazioni e istituzioni pubbliche. Nelle principali città italiane, video aziende a Milano con le tre torri di Assicurazioni Generali, PwC, Allianz. Il grattacielo Pirelli e il nuovo palazzo Lombardia. Sempre a Milano il grattacielo Diamond Tower di BNL BNP Paribas. Gli edifici di istituzioni quali l’Accademia di Brera o la Borsa di Milano con la scultura di Maurizio Cattelan. Video aziende a Roma con il palazzo della civiltà italiana dell’Eur, utilizzato dal marchio della moda Fendi per eventi ed esposizioni.
Video aziende e istituzioni
Visualizzazione di 1-100 di 102 risultatiOrdina in base al più recente
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Roma Eur. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palazzo civiltà Italiana. Roma. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Moda romana. Palace of Italian Civilization. Video architettura Roma. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Fendi moda. Roma. Palace of Italian Civilization. Video architettura. Rome. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palazzo INA. Roma. Palace of the INA in Rome Eur, Piazza delle Nazioni Unite. Video footage.
ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Companies buildings. Video footage.
Palazzo ENI Roma. ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Companies buildings. Video footage.
Sede ENI Roma. ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Companies buildings. Video footage.
ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Companies buildings. Video footage.
Bus traffic. Milan. Buildings, skyscrapers, roads and traffic in Milano. Video footage.
Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. Video footage.
Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. Video footage.
Dito di Cattelan a Milano. Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. Video footage.
Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. Video footage italian cities.
Borsa di Milano Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. Video footage.
Video borsa di Milano. Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. Video footage.
Milano. Piazza del Duomo in Milan with many people. Video città. Video footage.
Duomo Milano. Milan Cathedral facade with flags on blue sky. Video footage.
Facciata del duomo Milano. Milan Cathedral facade with flags on blue sky. Video footage.
Eye Institute, Amsterdam. EYE Film Institute Netherlands of Amsterdam. Video footage.
Eye Institute, Amsterdam. EYE Film Institute Netherlands of Amsterdam. Europe video footage.
Istituto del cinema, Amsterdam. EYE Film Institute Netherlands of Amsterdam. Video footage.
StedelIJk Museum, Amsterdam. Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, design and contemporary and international art. Video footage.