Busto Arsizio video footage

Stock royalty free | Lombardy | Italy

Busto Arsizio was in the past a city famous for the presence of specialized industries in the textile sector. The crisis in this sector, which began in the mid-1970s, mainly due to the entry into the markets of Asian producers, caused the closure of the numerous factories in the city.

Many of the factories have been demolished and new residential buildings have been built in their place. One of these factories, the “Carlo Ottolini Cotton Mill” has been recovered and transformed into the Textile Museum. Inside the museum there are old machines and equipment used for weaving and finishing fabrics. The video collection includes some aspects of the city with the main buildings such as the church of Santa Maria.

It is possible to request the execution of filming on particular subjects present in the city of Busto Arsizio and in nearby locations such as Varese or Milan. For any information please contact us at the addresses on the Contacts page.

Video Busto Arsizio