Stock Photos from Italy

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Buy images from a photographer based in Italy | Stock photos of cities and landscapes of Italy:

Building sites | Equipment

Construction sites and building equipment. Royalty free stock photos.

Carrara marble quarries

The excavation of the white Carrara marble, the work the equipment, the transport

Cruise and cargo ship

Cruise ships and cargo ships in transit in the Mediterranean Sea and anchored in the port

Buildings and headquarters of the main and public companies: INPS, INAIL, Generali, BNL BNP Paribas …

Italian cities | Milan

Royalty-free photos of Milan with skyscrapers, the cathedral, the Brera Academy.

Italian cities | Rome

The city of Rome with the main buildings and monuments. Royalty-free stock photos.

Italian cities | Pisa

Pisa. The Tuscan city with Piazza dei Miracoli and the Leaning tower.

Italian cities | Matera

Photographs of Matera, the city of the famous Sassi, the houses built in the rock. Stock foto royalty-free.

Assisi and Foligno. Royalty free images of the basilica of San Francesco and monuments.

Italian villages |


Environment and Tuscan villages: Versilia, Garfagnana, Colonnata, Carrara, Stazzema, Larderello.

Italian villages |


Liguria photos: Portovenere, Lerici, Tellaro, Cinque Terre, Monterosso, Riomaggiore, Corniglia, Manarola

Flowers, plants and gardens

Photos of gardens, plants and colorful flowers. Macro photography with bees.

Stock photos and videos

Stock Photo, a collection of photographs and stock videos footage mainly taken in Italy by Paolo Grassi. The licenses for the use of the images contained in this section can be purchased online and the relative files can be downloaded after the payment procedure. The royalty-free stock photos concern the natural environment, architecture, monuments of Italian cities and towns, work environments such as the Carrara marble quarries or construction sites.

Stock Photo |

Italian sea

From the sea of Liguria to Ischia. Fantastic views for your creative ideas

Italian Villages |

Liguria – Tuscany

The most beautiful villages in Tuscany and Liguria. Sea and landscapes.

Italian cities |

Main Italian cities

Many Italian cities: Assisi, Milan, Pisa, Rome, Genoa, Caserta, Livorno …

Images of flowers and plants

Beautiful photos of Mediterranean flowers and plants.