Switzerland photos | Cities, mountains, animals
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Switzerland Photos is a royalty free image gallery of Switzerland’s cities and landscapes. Stock images are available under royalty free licenses for different types of uses: from advertising, publishing, education or web. In the photo gallery there are images of Swiss landscapes and cities, typical houses, mountains, trains.
Switzerland photos | Royalty-free stock photos
Showing 1–100 of 169 resultsSorted by latest
House smiling. House with circular faade and windows.
Train on bridge. Church bridge with tram.
Swiss house. House with circular faade and windows.
Antique Swiss watch. Bern, Switzerland. 08/02/2009. Clock face of antique Swiss watch.
Bear of Bern. Bern, Switzerland. 08/02/2009. Swiss watch flag and clock face.
Red tram in Bern. Bern street with clock and fountain.
Bagpipe player. Bern, Switzerland. 08/02/2009. Colorful statue with bagpipe play
People with geese. Bern, Switzerland. 08/02/2009. Decoration with people and geese.
Tram station. Passenger at the tram station.
Bern tram. Passenger at the tram station.
Stazione del tram. Passenger at the tram station.
Passengers at the station. Passenger at the tram station.
National Bank Bern. Facade of the National Bank.
National Bank Swiss. Facade of the National Bank.
Bear Bern. Bear monument with hunting rifle.
Bern street. Bern street with clock and fountain.
Street of Bern. Bern street with clock and fountain.
Swiss flag. Bern, Switzerland. 08/02/2009. Flag and sign detail.
Bern panorama. Perspective view of a street.
Watch with zodiac. Clock face of antique Swiss watch.
Paul Klee center. Paul Klee Center.
Paul Klee museum. Paul Klee Center.
Paul Klee. Paul Klee Center.
Castle of Chillon. Chillon Castle.
Chillon Castle. Chillon Castle.
Castle on the lake. Chillon Castle.
Swiss castle. Chillon Castle.
Preparation of the cheese. Cheese factory.
Emmenthal cheese. Cheese factory.
Arched bridge. Arched reinforced concrete wall
Zaehringen Fribourg. Berne Gate Bridge
Onu ceiling Geneva. United Nations Council Hall
UN organization chart. United Nations organization chart.
Mahatma Gandhi statue. Statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the Ariana Park
Gotthard Pass Road sign to the Gotthard Pass
Windows with flowers. Twin windows with flowers.
People in front of a window. Panoramic mountain window
Jungfrau station. The train leading to the Jungfraujoch
Observatory domes. Sphinx astronomical observatory
Jungfrau. Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. The top of the mountain
Jungfrau mountain. The top of the mountain
Helicopter flies. Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. A helicopter flies over the mountain
Walk in the mountains. Mountaineer with crampons
Walking in the high mountains. Mountaineer with crampons
People on the glacier. Jungfrau, Switzerland. People on snow trails
Jungfrau trails. Jungfrau, Switzerland. People on snow trails
Alpine chough. Jungfrau, Switzerland. An alpine chough
Bird on the glacier. Jungfrau, Switzerland. An alpine chough
Helicopter on mountains. Jungfrau, Switzerland. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Red helicopter. Jungfrau, Switzerland. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
People on the glacier. Jungfrau, Switzerland. People on snow trails
Swiss trails. Jungfrau, Switzerland. People on snow trails
Jungfrau, Switzerland. Aletsch Glacier
Helicopter in the mountains. Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. Red colored helicopter and ma
Helicopter landed. Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. Red colored helicopter and ma
Helicopter in the high mountains. Jungfrau, Switzerland. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Helicopter in the mountains. Jungfrau, Switzerland. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Helicopter. Jungfrau, Switzerlan. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Swiss helicopter. Jungfrau, Switzerlan. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Elicottero. Jungfrau, Switzerlan. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Elicottero in montagna. Jungfrau, Switzerlan. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Elicottero sulla neve. Jungfrau, Switzerlan, 08/06/2009. Red helicopter on high mountai
Helicopter in the snow. Jungfrau, Switzerlan, 08/06/2009. Red helicopter on high mountai
Helicopter on the ice. Jungfrau, Switzerlan. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Elicottero sul ghiaccio. Jungfrau, Switzerlan. Red helicopter on high mountain snow
Helicopter over the Swiss mountains. Jungfrau, Switzerlan, 08/06/2009. Red helicopter on high mountai
Astronomical observatory. Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. Sphinx astronomical observatory
Jungfrau snow. Jungfrau, Switzerland. The top of the mountain
Sphinx observatory. Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. High mountain refuge of the jungfraujoch
Snowcat. Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. Snow cat at the Jungfraujoch.
People on snow trail Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. People on snow trails
Snowy path. Jungfrau, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. People on snow trails
Sledge dogs. Sled dogs in the snow
Sled with dogs. Sled dogs in the snow.
Cani da slitta. Sled dogs in the snow
Dogs in the snow. Sled dogs in the snow
Cani sulla neve. Sled dogs in the snow
Butterflies on flowers. Butterflies on mountain flowers
Farfalle sui fiori. Butterflies on mountain flowers
Mountain butterflies. Butterflies on mountain flowers
Butterflies. Butterflies on mountain flowers
Sleeping sheep. Sheep sleeps on a rock
Cushion for a sleeping. Sheep sleeps on a rock
Daubensee cable car. Leukerbad, Switzerland. 08/06/2009. Daubensee cable car
Morges. Morges, Switzerland. Detail of the town on Lake Geneva.