Images of Rome, 150 years as a capital.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of Rome, the capital of Italy, transferred from Florence in 1871. A web portal keeps and disseminates images of the city around the world.

With the breach of Porta Pia on 20 September 1870, the capture of Rome and the defeat of the Papal State took place. Subsequently, on February 3, 1871, law no. 33 for the transfer of the capital of Italy from Florence to Rome.

With the transfer of the capital, which took place in 1871, a series of urban and building transformations began in Rome to change the appearance of what had been the capital of the Papal State. The new capital of the Kingdom would have had to conceal its appearance as a provincial city to take on the appearance of a true international city. In this period, among other things, the building of the Ministry of Finance and later the Vittoriano were built.

The Italian state used the prestigious palaces of papal Rome for its institutional activities. First of all, the Quirinal Palace, the summer residence of the Popes transformed into the residence of the King of Italy.

The buildings used today by the Italian Republic and the main monuments of the city of Rome are present in the digital collection of photographs and videos of the web portal The portal in fact collects a rich documentation of images of Italian cities and landscapes which is made available to architects, graphic designers, newspapers, television and web broadcasters.

In the collection of images of Rome, there are among other things photos and videos of the Quirinal and Montecitorio Palaces, the Altare della Patria or Vittoriano, the Trevi fountain, the main squares of the city and a rich documentation on the EUR district. with its buildings in the Italic-rationalist style (INPS headquarters, exhibition building and Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana).

The site was created to spread the photos and videos of Italy around the world. In addition to the architecture of major cities such as Rome and Milan, the collection also includes the picturesque villages of the Island of Procida (Italian capital of culture 2022), Ischia, Chianti or the Cinque Terre in Liguria.

Immagini di Roma. Quirinale.
Rome images. Fontana di Trevi
Immagini di Roma. Palazzo civiltà Italiana