Showing all 65 resultsSorted by latest
Monumento ai caduti Busto Arsizio. Monument to the fallen for the homeland of Busto Arsizio. The work was created by the artist Enrico Manfrini.
Submarine Fosxtrot. Old submarine anchored at the Amsterdam NDSM pier. Video footage.
Stazzema monument video stock. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Stazzema memorial video. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Video Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Sant’Anna di Stazzema Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Nazi massacre. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Strage nazista di Sant’Anna. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Memorial nazi massacre. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Monument of Sant’Anna. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Monumento ossario di Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Video footage.
Nazi massacre to Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Video footage.
Video Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Massacro nazista a Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Video footage.
Sant’Anna memorial. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Video footage.
Video arco trionfo. Triumphal Arch or Victory Arch. Genova. Video città. Video footage.
Arco di trionfo video stock. Triumphal Arch or Victory Arch. Genova. Video footage.
Submarine Apartment building in Amsterdam Pontsteiger.In the foreground ol
Jews Memorial Memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe. Berlin
Memorial to the Murdered Jews. Memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe. Berlin
Memoriale dell’olocausto. Memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe. Berlin
Holocaust Memorial. Memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe. Berlin
Berlin Museum. Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2018. Jüdisches Museum
Berlin Jewish Museum. Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2018. Jüdisches Museum
Museo ebraico Berlino. Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2018. Jüdisches Museum
Jewish museum Berlin Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2018. Jüdisches Museum
Museo ebraico. Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2018. Jüdisches Museum
Libeskind museum. Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2018. Jüdisches Museum
Jewish museum. Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2018. Jüdisches Museum
Missile destroyer. La Spezia, Liguria, Italy. 03/27/2019. Italian military ship D554, Caio Duilio.
Stazzema Italy. Monument. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Plaque affixed by the presidents of the Italian and German republics.
Stazzema monumento alle vittime. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944.
Stazzema victims. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Plaque with the list of victims of the massacre.
Lapide di Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Plaque with the list of victims of the massacre.
Massacro nazista ricordato nell’ossario-monumento di Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memoriale della strage nazista del 1944.
Nazi massacre. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944.
Stazzema and monument of Sant’Anna. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944.
Sant’Anna di Stazzema con il memoriale della strage nazista del 12 agosto del 1944.
Bassorilievo in marmo. Rilievo in marmo con scena di guerra del periodo fascista.
Lardo di Colonnata. Insegna. In the village of Colonnata there are numerous places where it i
Lardo di Colonnata. Insegna di un negozio. In the village of Colonnata there are numerous places where it i
Movimento anarchico. Targa commemorativa. Colonnata. A plaque of the anarchist movement recalling the mart
Chiesa Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Church of Sant’Anna di Stazzema, place of the Nazi massacre of 1944. On 12 August children, women and men were killed by the Nazis.
Memoriale di Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944.
Massacro nazista. Di Sant’Anna. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944.
Sant’Anna di Stazzema photo. Nazi massacre Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Toscana
Massacre of Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Plaque with the list of victims of the massacre.
Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Massaccro nazista. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944.
Nazi massacre. Stazzema. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Toscana
Stazzema. Strage di Sant’Anna. Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944.
Sant’Anna di Stazzema Ossuary monument of Sant’Anna di Stazzema. Memorial of the Nazi massacre of 12 August 1944. Toscana