Geothermal power plants of Larderello in Tuscany. Biancane Park with boraciferous shower heads.
Centrali geotermiche di Larderello in Toscana. Parco delle Biancane con i soffioni boraciferi.
Showing all 53 resultsSorted by latest
Geothermal power plant footage. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Geothermal industry video. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Video impianto geotermico. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Video Geothermal power plant. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Video impianto geotermico Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Video Torri di condensazione. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Video Condensing Towers. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video industry.
Video produzione energia geotermica. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Condensing Towers footage Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video industry.
Video footage of energy production. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Natural energy video. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Video Larderello in Toscana. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video footage.
Clean energy video. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Video industry.
Green energy footage. Geothermal field with fumaroles and steam pipes. Video industry.
Geothermal field video Geothermal field with fumaroles and steam pipes. Video footage.
Geothermal field footage. Geothermal field with fumaroles and steam pipes. Tilt. Video industry.
Volcanic fumaroles video. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Video footage.
Video geotermia a Larderello. Geothermal field with fumaroles and steam pipes. Video footage.
Volcanic fumaroles footage. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo M. Video footage.
Video fumarole vulcaniche. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo M. Video footage.
Geothermal energy video. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo M. Video footage.
Geothermal energy footage. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Video footage.
Video energia geotermica. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Video footage.
Jets of stream video footage. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Video footage.
Geothermal video footage. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Video footage.
Video albero morto. Dead oak tree in geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo. Video footage.
Dead tree footage video. Dead oak tree in geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo. Video footage.
Dead tree video footage. Dead oak tree in geothermal field in the town of Monterotondo. Video footage.
Tuscany geothermal video footage. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Video footage.
Geothermal video footage. Volcanic fumaroles in the geothermal field. Video footage.
Impianto geotermico. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. A ancient stone farmhouse. Larderello, Tuscany,
Torri di condensazione. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation
Larderello geothermal. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation
Tuscan village. Roads to houses in the town of Montecerboli, Near Larderello. A
Pedestrian streets. Roads to houses in the town of Montecerboli, Near Larderello. A
Larderello geotermia. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation
Electricity producton. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation
Geotermia in Toscana. Parco delle Biancane. Parco geotermico con rocce colorate di rosso ferro vicino Larderello.
Fumaroles. Geothermal field with steam pipes. Geothermal power station.Condensation towers. Larderello, Tuscany
Geothermal energy with fumaroles and steam pipes. Geothermal power station. Condensation towers. Larderello.
Museo delle Biancane dedicato alla produzione di energia elettrica geotermica. Parete in acciaio corten con insegna MUBIA
Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Larderello, Tuscany,
Larderello geothermal museum. Green industry that uses the heat of the earth to produce electricity.
Tuscan village of Montecerboli. Roads to houses near Larderello.
Museo geotermia di Larderello. Settore verde che utilizza il calore della terra per produrre elettricità.
Centrale geotermica. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Monterotondo near Larderello, Tuscany,
Museo geotermia di Larderello. Larderello Geothermal Museum. Green industry that uses the heat. Fotografia royalty free. Toscana
Condensation tower. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Landscape with sky and clouds. Larderello, Tuscany
Campo geotermico a Larderello. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation towers in reinforced concrete. Monterotondo near Larderello, Tuscany,
Energia geotermica a Larderello. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Stock photo royalty free
Geothermal power plant. Geothermal power plant for electricity production. Condensation. Stock free photo.