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Superfetation in a church. Romanesque brick church. Stock photos.
Romanesque church Romanesque brick church. Video footage.
Superfetazione in una chiesa. Romanesque brick church. Foto stock royalty free.
San Luca Cremona. Romanesque brick church. Foto stock royalty free.
Brick rosette. Romanesque brick church. Stock photos.
Romanesque brick church.
Romanesque church in Cremona. Romanesque brick church. Stock photos.
Arch Rome. Arch of Constantine and Colosseum in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum details. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum panoramic. Panoramic of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum, palatine and Roman photos. Video footage italian cities.
Amphitheater Rome. Panoramic of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum building Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Roma Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Roma Colosseo. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Rome Colosseum. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Rome Colisseum. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Colosseo Roma. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Colosseum Rome. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Colisseum Rome. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Ruristi Roma. Crowd of tourists at the Rome Colosseum. Video footage.
Colosseo. Roma. Colosseum, Roman forum and palatine in Rome. Video footage.
Roma Colisseum. Colosseum, Roman forum and palatine in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum, Roman forum and palatine in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum, Roman forum and palatine in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and the Sant’Angelo Bridge. Video footage italian cities.
Pantheon and the fountain in Piazza della Rotonda in Rome. Video footage.
Roma. Fontana del Moro in Piazza Navona in Rome. Video footage.
Roma. Fontana del Moro in Piazza Navona in Rome. Video footage.
St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and the Sant’Angelo Bridge. Video footage italian cities.
Chiesa San Pietro. Roma. St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and the Sant’Angelo Bridge. Video footage.
St. Peter’s in the Vatican . St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican in Rome. Facade.
Colonna Traiana. Detail of the Trajan column in front of Palazzo Chigi, home of the Italian parliament.
Botticino marble sculptures. Botticino marble sculptures placed on the Altare della Patria in Rome.
Trinità dei Monti. Trinità dei Monti with staircase and gardens with flowers in spring.
Opus incertum. Paved Opus Incertum of a Roman road in the ancient city of Pompeii.
Cattedrale e scuola a Palermo. Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Vittorio Emanuele II Classical High School and the cathedral.
San Francesco da Paola. Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Cathedral, view of the sculptures placed outside.
Palermo cattedrale. Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Facade of the cathedral.
Marble columns. Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Details of the cathedral. Bell tower.
Santa Rosalia. Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Sculptures in white marble at the cathedral.
San Mamiliano. Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Sculptures in white marble at the cathedral.
Watch with zodiac. Clock face of antique Swiss watch.
Bear of Bern. Bern, Switzerland. 08/02/2009. Swiss watch flag and clock face.
Antique Swiss watch. Bern, Switzerland. 08/02/2009. Clock face of antique Swiss watch.
Tagliata etrusca di Ansedonia. Etruscan cut in Ansedonia, Maremma Toscana. A canary dug into th
Archaeological park, Tuscany. Archaeological park of the ancient Etruscan and Roman city of Cosa, near Grosseto in Tuscany.
Parco archeologico di Cosa. Archaeological park of the ancient Etruscan and Roman city of Cosa, near Grosseto in Tuscany.
Etruscan Roman. Archaeological park of the ancient city of Cosa, near Ansedonia.
Mura etrusche e romane di Cosa. Archaeological park of the ancient city of Cosa, near Ansedonia.
Città di Cosa in Maremma toscana. Archaeological park of the ancient city of Cosa, near Ansedonia.
Piazza San Pietro, Vaticano, con la cupola e un dettaglio della chiesa.
Colonnade St. Peter’s. Cloudy sky over the statues of the colonnade of St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican.
Roman forum. Rome. Row of columns at the Roman forum. The columns are visible
Campidoglio Rome. View of the Capitol building and the Vittoriano.
People walk on the bridge. Main facade of Castel Sant’Angelo with the bridge over the Tiber
Altare della Patria o Vittoriano di Piazza Venezia a Roma. Particolare di una scultura e un prato con erba e fiori rossi.
Arco di Costantino, Roma. Particolare dell’Arco di Costantino. L’arco si trova vicino al Colosseo.
Seagull in Rome. Seagull rests on a marble column. Tree fronds background.
Colosseum Rome. In the foreground an external wall of the Colosseum and in the background the Imperial Forums.
Anfiteatro Flavio o Colosseo, Roma. Particolare del Colosseo chiamato anche Anfiteatro Flavio.
Colosseo Roma. Particolare del Colosseo chiamato anche Anfiteatro Flavio.
Colosseo Rome. The colosseum with a green lawn on the hill of Colle Oppio.
Cavallo Roma, calesse in attesa. Cavallo con calesse davanti al Colosseo.
Colosseo, Roma. Una gru di cantiere. L’edificio del Colosseo ripreso in dettaglio.
Saluto fascista. Statua in bronzo del Genio dello Sport nel quartiere di Roma EUR. Bandiera europea.
Rome river. Tiber river with the Vatican and St. Peter’s.
Fontana Trevi, Roma. Scultura di Nettuno.
Trevi Rome. Trevi Fountain in Rome with the sculpture of Neptune.
Trevi Fountain in Rome with the sculpture of Neptune.
Piazza Navona fountain. Fontana del Moro in Piazza Navona in Rome.
Basilica Vaticano. Castel Sant’angelo e foglie di alberi. Roma
Angelo a Roma. Castel Sant’Angelo o mausoleo di Adriano.
Dome San Pietro. Castel Sant’Angelo with the European flag.
Basilica San Pietro, Roma. Castel Sant’Angelo con bandiera europea.
Castel Sant’Angelo, Roma. Main facade of Castel Sant’Angelo.
San Pietro in Vaticano. Basilica e cupola di San Pietro. Roma
Castle building in Rome. Courtyard in Castel Sant’Angelo.
Walls of the castle. Castel Sant’Angelo, battlements of the walls.
Italian flag, Rome. Central building of Castel Sant’Angelo.
Small building in Rome. Sant’Angelo castel. Walkway.
Cortile Castel Sant’Angelo. Cortile delle fucilazioni, Roma.
Bandiera italiana. Nel cortile del castello si trova la bandiera italiana.
Cannonball. Marble sphere in Castel Sant’angelo.
San Pietro Roma. Basilica di San Pietro e in primo piano Castel Sant’Angelo.
Balls for cannon. Courtyard of Castel Sant’angelo.
Sphere. Marble sphere in Castel Sant’angelo.
Ponte a Roma. Ponte che collega Roma a via della Conciliazione alla città del Vaticano
Rome bridge. Ponte Vittorio Emanuele and the Tiber River.
Tevere bridge, Rome. Ponte Vittorio Emanuele and the Tiber River.
Ponte sul Tevere, Roma. Ponte che collega Roma a via della Conciliazione e la città del Vaticano.
Cortile Castel Sant’Angelo Visto dal basso del cortile delle Fucilazioni.
Castel Sant’Angelo, Roma. Facciata del castello e al di sopra la statua in bronzo di un angelo
Angel in Rome. Castel Sant’Angelo (or mausoleum of Hadrian) in Rome.
Liguri Apuani. La testimonianza della deportazione dei Liguri Apuani è conservata nel Museo Nazionale Romano.
Pozzo nel centro di piccolo chiostro.
Mappa di Roma antica. Una rara mappa di Roma scolpita su marmo bianco.
Roman cloister. Small cloister of the Charterhouse also known as the Chiostrino. Diocletian Baths.
Ingegneria romana. Lavori di ingegneria romana: volta a crociera in opus cementicium.
Death. Marble mosaic exhibited at the National Roman Museum.
Marble mosaic. Mosaic with Hercules and Acheloo of the Villa of Nerone in Anzio
Sarcofago romano. Vasca Sarcofago alle Terme di Diocleziano.
Sarcophagus. Two sarcophaguses and a tub in white marble at the Baths.
Terme di Diocleziano. I marmi che coprivano le pareti sono stati utilizzati nel Medioevo per produrre calce.
Diocletian Baths, Rome. Brick walls at the Baths of Diocletian. Rome.
Diocletian cloister, Rome. Michelangelo’s Cloister at the Baths of Diocletian, Rome.
Diocletian Baths, Rome. Garden with boxwood hedges and Roman tombstones in white marble.
Milvio bridge. Ancient Roman bridge over the Tiber river in Rome.
Ponte Milvio. Antico ponte romano sul fiume Tevere a Roma.
Sant’Angelo Castle, Rome. Castel Santangelo. Roma. Alberi. Foto stock royalty free. Roma foto.
Roman Garden. Garden with boxwood hedges and Roman tombstones in white marble. Roma foto.
Ancient well. Small cloister of the Charterhouse also known as the Chiostrino. Diocletian Baths. Roma foto.
Ritratto di Medusa. Mosaic with the head of Medusa at the National Roman Museum.
Cloister Michelangelo. Michelangelo’s Cloister at the Baths of Diocletian, Rome. Roma foto.
Terme di Diocleziano. Brick walls at the Baths of Diocletian. Rome. Roma foto.
Arco di Costantino. Roma. Detail of the Arch of Constantine. The arch is located near the Colosseum and is designed to commemorate the victory of Constantine against Maxentius.
Constantine Arch Rome. Arch of Constantine. The arch is located near the Colosseum and is designed to commemorate the victory of Constantine against Maxentius.
Altar of the Fatherland or Vittoriano. Rome. Altar of the Fatherland or Vittoriano in Piazza Venezia in Rome. Large monument with colonnade made of Botticino marble.
Scultura Angelo. Rome. Marble angel sculpture placed in Castel Sant’Angelo. The white marble sculpture is placed in a courtyard of the castle.
Altare della Patria a Roma. Altar of the Fatherland or Vittoriano in Piazza Venezia in Rome. Roma foto.
Sewer pipes. Ancient Rome. Roman sewer pipes. Archaeological excavations.
Marco Aurelio. Scultura al Campidoglio. Roma. Rome, Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius on the Capitol. Bronze sculpture in the center of the square designed by Michelangelo.
Panorama of Rome. Panorama of Rome’s rooftops with three church domes. Photograph
Colosseum, details. Rome. Detail of a wall of the Colosseum. Some blocks of travertine were used to build other buildings. Roma foto.
Arch of Constantine. Rome. Detail of the Arch of Constantine. The arch is located near the Colosseum and is designed to commemorate the victory of Constantine against Maxentius.
Arco di Costantino. Roma. Arch of Constantine. The arch is located near the Colosseum and is designed to commemorate the victory of Constantine against Maxentius.
Coliseum Amphitheater. Rome. In the foreground an external wall of the Colosseum and in the background the Imperial Forums. The area is a huge open-air museum. Roma foto.
Colosseo Roma. Anfiteatro Flavio. Detail of the Colosseum also called the Flavian Amphitheater. The construction is made of travertine marble. Roma foto.
Colosseo, Anfiteatro Flavio. Roma. Detail of the Colosseum also called the Flavian Amphitheater. The construction is made of travertine marble.
Coliseum Rome. The Palatine Hill is in the foreground a detail of the Colosseum. The hill is a large open-air museum of ancient Rome. Pictured meadows and green trees
Colosseum Rome with tourists. Two tourists photograph the Colosseum. Below you see the road with car traffic and two red vans.
Saluto fascista. Scultura all’EUR. Bronze statue of the Sports Genius in the EUR, Rome and European flag.
Trevi Fountain Rome. Neptune sculpture. Trevi Fountain in Rome with the sculpture of Neptune.
Fontana di Trevi, Roma. Trevi Fountain in Rome with the sculpture of Neptune.
Fontana del Moro, Roma. Piazza Navona Fontana del Moro in Piazza Navona in Rome. Roma foto.
Ponte Sant’Angelo, Roma. Tiber river with the Vatican and St. Peter’s.
Sant’Angelo bridge, Rome. Tiber river with the Vatican and St. Peter’s.
Sant’Angelo Roma. Castello. Castel Sant’Angelo with the European flag. Stock Photo royalty free. Roma foto.
Castel Sant’Angelo, Roma. Castel Sant’Angelo (or mausoleum of Hadrian) in Rome. Roma foto.
Marble bathtub White marble bathtub at the Baths of Diocletian in Rome.
Altare della Patria di Roma. Botticino marble sculptures placed on the Altare della Patria in Rome. Roma foto.
Parlamento italiano. Montecitorio. Palace of Montecitorio, seat of the Italian parliament. Roma foto.
Changing of the guard, Rome. Changing of the guard at the Quirinale palace in Rome. Soldiers in uniform with weapons. Roma foto.