Rome. The royalty-free stock photo including numerous monuments and palaces of the city of Rome. The Italian capital with over two thousand years of history has a large collection of works of art and historic buildings. The image gallery can be used for all sectors of graphics, advertising publishing. Main contents: Castel Sant’Angelo, Vatican, Colosseum, Trevi Fountain. Trinity staircase of the mountains, Piazza del Popolo. There are also photographs of the main buildings in the EUR district. The headquarters of the main public companies such as INAIL, INPS, Poste Italiane and ENI.
Rome. Lo stock foto libere da diritti comprendente numerosi monumenti e palazzi della città di Roma. La capitale italiana con oltre duemila anni di storia possiede un’ampia collezione di opere d’arte e di edifici storici. Le fotografie della galleria sono utilizzabili per tutti i settori della grafica, pubblicità editoria. Principali contenuti: Castel Sant’Angelo, Vaticano, Colosseo, Fontana di Trevi. Scalinata di trinità dei monti, Piazza del Popolo. Sono inoltre presenti fotografie dei principali edifici presenti nel quartiere EUR. Le sedi delle principali società pubbliche quali INAIL, INPS, Poste Italiane ed ENI.
Showing 1–200 of 348 resultsSorted by latest
Arch Rome. Arch of Constantine and Colosseum in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum details. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Arch of Constantine near the Colosseum. Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Arco di Costantino. Roma. Arch of Constantine near the Colosseum. Rome. Video footage.
Costantine Arch. Arch of Constantine near the Colosseum. Rome. Video footage.
Colosseum panoramic. Panoramic of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum, palatine and Roman photos. Video footage italian cities.
Amphitheater Rome. Panoramic of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum building Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Roma Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Roma Colosseo. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Rome Colosseum. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Rome Colisseum. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Colosseo Roma. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Colosseum Rome. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Colisseum Rome. Details of the Colosseum in Rome. Video footage.
Ruristi Roma. Crowd of tourists at the Rome Colosseum. Video footage.
Colosseo. Roma. Colosseum, Roman forum and palatine in Rome. Video footage.
Roma Colisseum. Colosseum, Roman forum and palatine in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum, Roman forum and palatine in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Colosseum, Roman forum and palatine in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Companies buildings. Video footage.
Sede ENI Roma. ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Companies buildings. Video footage.
Palazzo ENI Roma. ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Companies buildings. Video footage.
ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Companies buildings. Video footage.
Obelisk monument to Guglielmo Marconi located in Rome Eur district. Companies buildings. Video footage.
Congress Palace in Rome EUR, covered in white marble. Companies buildings. Video footage.
Palazzo INA. Roma. Palace of the INA in Rome Eur, Piazza delle Nazioni Unite. Video footage.
Bronze statue of the Sports Genius in the EUR, Rome and European flag. Video footage.
Sfilate Fendi. Roma. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Fendi moda. Roma. Palace of Italian Civilization. Video architettura. Rome. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Moda romana. Palace of Italian Civilization. Video architettura Roma. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palazzo civiltà Italiana. Roma. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Roma Eur. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Video footage.
St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and the Sant’Angelo Bridge. Video footage italian cities.
Pantheon and the fountain in Piazza della Rotonda in Rome. Video footage.
Roma. Fontana del Moro in Piazza Navona in Rome. Video footage.
Roma. Fontana del Moro in Piazza Navona in Rome. Video footage.
Fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona, Rome. Video footage.
Fontana del Bernini. Roma. Fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona, Rome. Video footage.
Fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona, Rome. Video footage.
Fontana dei quattro fiumi. Roma. Fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona, Rome. Video footage.
Fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona, Rome. Video footage.
St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and the Sant’Angelo Bridge. Video footage italian cities.
Chiesa San Pietro. Roma. St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and the Sant’Angelo Bridge. Video footage.
Building of the Court of Cassation in Rome. Video footage.
Building of the Court of Cassation in Rome. Video footage.
Pedestrian traffic on the Sant’Angelo bridge in Rome. Video footage.
Panning from the dome of the Pantheon to the Vittoriano of Rome. Video footage.
Via della Conciliazione. Vatican seen from Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. Video footage.
Basilica di San Pietro. Roma. Vatican seen from Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. Video footage.
Basilica St. Peter. Vatican seen from Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. Video footage.
Basilica di San Pietro. Roma. Vatican seen from Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. Video footage.
Vatican seen from Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. Video footage.
Bronze angel placed in Rome on the top of Castel Sant’Angelo. Video footage.
Angelo in Bronzo. Roma. Bronze angel placed in Rome on the top of Castel Sant’Angelo. Video footage.
Bronze angel placed in Rome on the top of Castel Sant’Angelo. Video footage.
Tetti di Roma. Panning on the sky of Rome, from the Victorian to the Tiber. Video footage.
Rooftops of Rome. Tilt on the sky of Rome, from the Victorian to the Tiber. Video footage italian cities.
Traffico pedonale a Roma. Pedestrian traffic on the Sant’Angelo bridge in Rome. Video footage.
Traffic on the Sant’Angelo and Vittorio Emanuele bridges in Rome. Video footage.
Traffico a Roma. Traffic on the Sant’Angelo and Vittorio Emanuele bridges in Rome. Video footage.
Pedestrian traffic on the Sant’Angelo bridge in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
The bridges S. Angelo and Vittorio Emanuele in Rome. Video footage italian cities.
Ponti a Roma. The bridges S. Angelo and Vittorio Emanuele in Rome. Video footage.
Vatican video. The Vittorio Emanuele Bridge and Vatican in Rome. Video footage.
Vaticano. Roma. Vatican seen from Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. Video footage.
Roma, Vaticano. Vatican seen from Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. Video footage.
Traffic on Vittorio Emanuele Bridge in Rome. Video footage.
Rome bridge footage video stock. The Vatican and the Vittorio Emanuele Bridge in Rome. Video footage.
Vativan footage. Vatican seen from Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. Video footage.
Ponte a Roma video stock. The Vatican and the Vittorio Emanuele Bridge in Rome. Video footage.
St. Peter’s in the Vatican . St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican in Rome. Facade.
Tower with water tank. Rationalist architecture of the Rome Termini station. Tower with water tank and spiral staircase.
Water tank. Rationalist architecture of the Rome Termini station. Tower with water tank and spiral staircase.
Roma Termini. Rationalist architecture of the Rome Termini station. Tower with water tank and spiral staircase.
Casse di Risparmio Postali. Head office of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti or Post Savings Banks. Facade of the palace of Rome.
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Façade of the building housing Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, formerly Post Savings Banks.
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Head office of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti or Post Savings Banks. Facade of the palace of Rome.
Colonna Traiana. Detail of the Trajan column in front of Palazzo Chigi, home of the Italian parliament.
Botticino marble sculptures. Botticino marble sculptures placed on the Altare della Patria in Rome.
Trinità dei Monti. Trinità dei Monti with staircase and gardens with flowers in spring.
Skyline di Roma. Skyline con il sole al tramonto sui tetti di Roma visto dalla terrazza Caffarelli. Chiesa cupole e il profilo della città.
Piazza San Pietro, Vaticano, con la cupola e un dettaglio della chiesa.
Colonnade St. Peter’s. Cloudy sky over the statues of the colonnade of St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican.
Rome skyline. Skyline with the setting sun over Rome’s rooftops seen from the Caffarelli terrace. Church domes and city profile.
Freccia Rossa. Treno alta velocità alla stazione di Roma Termini.
San Pietro in Vincoli. Rome. Ancient basilica.
Roman forum. Rome. Row of columns at the Roman forum. The columns are visible
Campidoglio Rome. View of the Capitol building and the Vittoriano.
Banca d’Italia, Roma. Facciata di Palazzo Kock, sede della Banca.
Palazzo delle esposizioni, Roma. Frontone con gruppo scultoreo.
People walk on the bridge. Main facade of Castel Sant’Angelo with the bridge over the Tiber
Altare della Patria o Vittoriano di Piazza Venezia a Roma. Particolare di una scultura e un prato con erba e fiori rossi.
Arco di Costantino, Roma. Particolare dell’Arco di Costantino. L’arco si trova vicino al Colosseo.
Seagull in Rome. Seagull rests on a marble column. Tree fronds background.
Colosseum Rome. In the foreground an external wall of the Colosseum and in the background the Imperial Forums.
Anfiteatro Flavio o Colosseo, Roma. Particolare del Colosseo chiamato anche Anfiteatro Flavio.
Colosseo Roma. Particolare del Colosseo chiamato anche Anfiteatro Flavio.
Colosseo Rome. The colosseum with a green lawn on the hill of Colle Oppio.
Cavallo Roma, calesse in attesa. Cavallo con calesse davanti al Colosseo.
Colosseo, Roma. Una gru di cantiere. L’edificio del Colosseo ripreso in dettaglio.
ENI Rome. ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur.
INAIL Roma. Sede. Palazzo sede Eur. La torre è stata rinnovata dall’architetto Gino Valle.
ENI headquartiers, Rome. Building in Rome Eur.
Sede ENI Roma. Edificio della sede a Roma Eur. Facciata di vetro tipo curtain wall.
Rome Convention Center. Eur.
Centro congressi Roma. Progettato dagli architetti Fuksas, l’edificio è situato in Viale Asia.
Marble obelisk, Rome. Obelisk to Gugliermo Marconi placed in Rome Eur.
Obelisco in marmo, dedicato a Gugliermo Marconi. Roma Eur.
Marconi obelisk, Rome. Obelisk to Gugliermo Marconi placed in Rome Eur.
Guglielmo Marconi, Obelisco in marmo. La stele è stato creato dallo scultore Carrarese Arturo Dazzi.
Palazzo razionalista. Edificio nel quartiere Eur di Roma.
Saluto fascista. Statua in bronzo del Genio dello Sport nel quartiere di Roma EUR. Bandiera europea.
Razionalist building in the Eur district of Rome in an Italian rationalist style.
Edificio razionalista nel quartiere Eur di Roma. Interamente rivestito in marmo.
Via Ciro il Grande, Roma. Sede INPS a Roma Eur. Sullo sfondo il palazzo della civiltà italiana e bandiera.
Fendi Roma. Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana. Interamente rivestito in marmo travertino.
Fendi Rome. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition.
Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition.
Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, costruito a Roma EUR. Esposizione Fendi.
Quirinale Square in Rome. In the center of the square stands a group of sculptures with an obelisk.
Rome river. Tiber river with the Vatican and St. Peter’s.
Fashion brands. Brands of leading fashion houses.
Salvatore Ferragamo, Rome. Showcase of the Salvatore Ferragamo store in Via Condotti.
Max Mara boutique, Rome. Showcase of the Max Mara store in Via Condotti.
Via Condotti, Roma, cartello stradale.
Bulgari boutique, Rome. Showcase of the Bulgari store in Via Condotti.
Gucci Roma. Vetrina del negozio Gucci di Via Condotti.
Fontana Trevi, Roma. Scultura di Nettuno.
Il Messaggero, Roma. In alto l’insegna su via del Tritone.
Trevi Rome. Trevi Fountain in Rome with the sculpture of Neptune.
Trevi Fountain in Rome with the sculpture of Neptune.
Piazza Navona fountain. Fontana del Moro in Piazza Navona in Rome.
Navona square. Fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona, Rome.
Senato italiano. Facciata di Palazzo Madama, sede del Senato.
Basilica Vaticano. Castel Sant’angelo e foglie di alberi. Roma
Angelo a Roma. Castel Sant’Angelo o mausoleo di Adriano.
Dome San Pietro. Castel Sant’Angelo with the European flag.
Basilica San Pietro, Roma. Castel Sant’Angelo con bandiera europea.
Castel Sant’Angelo, Roma. Main facade of Castel Sant’Angelo.
San Pietro in Vaticano. Basilica e cupola di San Pietro. Roma
Cannoni a Castel Sant’Angelo. Antiche armi con palle in marmo.
Castle building in Rome. Courtyard in Castel Sant’Angelo.
Ancient cannons and marble balls.
Antichi cannoni con palle in marmo a Roma.
Cannons in Rome. Ancient cannons and marble balls.
Armi antiche a Roma. Cannoni e catapulte da guerra.
Walls of the castle. Castel Sant’Angelo, battlements of the walls.
Italian flag, Rome. Central building of Castel Sant’Angelo.
Small building in Rome. Sant’Angelo castel. Walkway.
Cortile Castel Sant’Angelo. Cortile delle fucilazioni, Roma.
Bandiera italiana. Nel cortile del castello si trova la bandiera italiana.
Cannonball. Marble sphere in Castel Sant’angelo.
San Pietro Roma. Basilica di San Pietro e in primo piano Castel Sant’Angelo.
Balls for cannon. Courtyard of Castel Sant’angelo.
Sphere. Marble sphere in Castel Sant’angelo.
Vaticano, Roma, Vista sui palazzi Vaticani da una finestra di Castel Sant’Angelo.
Rome panorama with the Altar of the Fatherland