Showing 201–348 of 348 resultsSorted by latest
Angel with sword. Bronze angel above Castel Sant’Angelo.
Persone sul ponte a Roma. Fronte a Castel Sant’Angelo. Molte persone a piedi. Vista dall’alto.
Ponte a Roma. Ponte che collega Roma a via della Conciliazione alla città del Vaticano
People to Rome. Ponte Sant’Angelo crosses the Tiber river in Rome.
Ponte Sant’Angelo, Roma. Molte persone a piedi.
Rome bridge. Ponte Vittorio Emanuele and the Tiber River.
Tevere bridge, Rome. Ponte Vittorio Emanuele and the Tiber River.
Ponte sul Tevere, Roma. Ponte che collega Roma a via della Conciliazione e la città del Vaticano.
Vaticano, Roma. Roma con vista sui palazzi Vaticani presi da una finestra di Castel Sant’Angelo.
Vatican Palaces, Rome. Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica.
Palazzi Vaticani, Roma con vista sui palazzi da una finestra di Castel Sant’Angelo.
Vatican Palaces, Rome. Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica.
Cortile Castel Sant’Angelo Visto dal basso del cortile delle Fucilazioni.
Sant’Angelo Castle, Rome Plaque with the inscription Courtyard of the shootings.
Castel Sant’Angelo, Roma. Facciata del castello e al di sopra la statua in bronzo di un angelo
San Pietro, Vatican. Basilica and dome of St. Peter.
Ponte Sant’Angelo, Roma. Famoso ponte situato di fronte a Castel Sant’Angelo.
Angel in Rome. Castel Sant’Angelo (or mausoleum of Hadrian) in Rome.
Corte di Cassazione, Roma. Diverse persone si fermano nei giardini di fronte al palazzo.
Liguri Apuani. La testimonianza della deportazione dei Liguri Apuani è conservata nel Museo Nazionale Romano.
Pozzo nel centro di piccolo chiostro.
Roman cloister. Small cloister of the Charterhouse also known as the Chiostrino. Diocletian Baths.
Ingegneria romana. Lavori di ingegneria romana: volta a crociera in opus cementicium.
Death. Marble mosaic exhibited at the National Roman Museum.
Marble mosaic. Mosaic with Hercules and Acheloo of the Villa of Nerone in Anzio
Terme di Diocleziano. I marmi che coprivano le pareti sono stati utilizzati nel Medioevo per produrre calce.
Diocletian Baths, Rome. Brick walls at the Baths of Diocletian. Rome.
Diocletian cloister, Rome. Michelangelo’s Cloister at the Baths of Diocletian, Rome.
Diocletian Baths, Rome. Garden with boxwood hedges and Roman tombstones in white marble.
Parlamento italiano. Roma. Palazzo di Montecitorio, sede della Camera dei Deputati e del Parlamento.
Roma Pantheon. Scultura con fontana di marmo in piazza del Pantheon a Roma.
Montecitorio Palace, Rome. Seat of the Chamber of Deputies or Parliament.
Palazzo Montecitorio, Roma. Sede della Camera dei Deputati e del Parlamento.
Horse in Rome. Horse with buggy stopped in a square in Rome.
Pair of seagulls on a sign in the park of the Quirinale garden in Rome.
Quirinale, Roma. Palazzo del Quirinale, residenza del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana.
Quirinale flags, Rome. Turret with flags at the Quirinale palace, residence of the President of the Italian Republic.
Colonne moderne. Foresta di colonne cilindriche al museo di arte contemporanea di Roma MAXXI.
Modern columns. Forest of cylindrical columns at the museum of contemporary art in Rome MAXXI.
Milvio bridge. Ancient Roman bridge over the Tiber river in Rome.
Ponte Milvio. Antico ponte romano sul fiume Tevere a Roma.
Stadio olimpico di Roma. Stadio Olimpico e lo stadio dei marmi. Sculture in marmo bianco di Carrara nel forum italiano a Roma.
Stadio dei marmi, Roma. Sculture in marmo bianco di Carrara allo stadio di marmo del forum italiano a Roma.
Marble stadium in Rome. White Carrara marble sculptures at the marble stadium of the Italian forum in Rome.
Fountain with sphere in white Carrara marble at the Olympic stadium in Rome.
Farnesina Roma. Palazzo della Farnesina, sede del Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano a Roma.
Marble sphere. Fountain with sphere in white Carrara marble at the Olympic stadium in Rome.
Sfera in marmo. Fontana con sfera in marmo di Carrara bianco allo stadio Olimpico di Roma.
Sphere fountain. Fountain with sphere in white Carrara marble at the Olympic stadium in Rome.
Marble obelisk. Monolith obelisk in white Carrara marble dedicated to Mussolini located at the Olympic stadium in Rome.
Bassorilievo in marmo. Rilievo in marmo con scena di guerra del periodo fascista.
Sant’Angelo Castle, Rome. Castel Santangelo. Roma. Alberi. Foto stock royalty free. Roma foto.
Ristrutturazione uffici a Roma. Restructuring of an office building. Photo stock royalty free.
Buildings renovation in Rome. Restructuring of an office building. Building sites.
Ristrutturazione edifici per uffici a Roma. Restructuring of an office building. Cantieri edili.
Building renovation. Restructuring of an office building. Building sites
Cantiere restauro, Roma. Two twin churches in Piazza del Popolo in Rome. Building site for the restoration of a church with scaffolding and advertising sheets.
Roman Garden. Garden with boxwood hedges and Roman tombstones in white marble. Roma foto.
Ancient well. Small cloister of the Charterhouse also known as the Chiostrino. Diocletian Baths. Roma foto.
Ritratto di Medusa. Mosaic with the head of Medusa at the National Roman Museum.
Cloister Michelangelo. Michelangelo’s Cloister at the Baths of Diocletian, Rome. Roma foto.
Terme di Diocleziano. Brick walls at the Baths of Diocletian. Rome. Roma foto.
Roman bridge. Ponte Sant’Angelo crosses the Tiber river in Rome. Roma foto.
Ponte Sant’Angelo a Roma. Ponte Sant’Angelo crosses the Tiber river in Rome.
Angel with sword. Bronze angel above Castel Sant’Angelo. Stock photo royalty free. Roma foto.
Piazza Navona Roma. Fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona, Rome. Roma foto.
Vergini sign. Via Delle Vergini street sign in Rome.
Stone engraving. Written from the fascist era engraved on stone in the facade of the building.
Louis Vuitton boutique, Rome. Via Dei Condotti street sign in Rome. Bottom sign of the Louis Vuitton boutique.
Italian Civilisation built. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition.
Fendi exibition Rome. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Roma foto.
Palazzo Civiltà Italiana, Roma EUR. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Roma foto.
Italian razionalist style. Rome. Building in the Eur district of Rome in an Italian rationalist style. Roma foto.
Palazzo Congressi Roma EUR. Congress Palace at the Eur Rome..
Arco di Costantino. Roma. Detail of the Arch of Constantine. The arch is located near the Colosseum and is designed to commemorate the victory of Constantine against Maxentius.
Palazzo dei Congressi Roma. Congress Palace at the Rome Eur. Stock photo royalty free. Roma foto.
Constantine Arch Rome. Arch of Constantine. The arch is located near the Colosseum and is designed to commemorate the victory of Constantine against Maxentius.
Altar of the Fatherland or Vittoriano. Rome. Altar of the Fatherland or Vittoriano in Piazza Venezia in Rome. Large monument with colonnade made of Botticino marble.
Scultura Angelo. Rome. Marble angel sculpture placed in Castel Sant’Angelo. The white marble sculpture is placed in a courtyard of the castle.
Altare della Patria a Roma. Altar of the Fatherland or Vittoriano in Piazza Venezia in Rome. Roma foto.
Skyline di Roma con sole al tramonto. Skyline with the setting sun over Rome’s rooftops seen from the Caffarelli terrace. Church domes and city profile.
Rome skyline with church domes. Skyline with the setting sun over Rome’s rooftops seen from the Caffarelli terrace. Church domes and city profile.
Sewer pipes. Ancient Rome. Roman sewer pipes. Archaeological excavations.
Marco Aurelio. Scultura al Campidoglio. Roma. Rome, Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius on the Capitol. Bronze sculpture in the center of the square designed by Michelangelo.
Panorama of Rome. Panorama of Rome’s rooftops with three church domes. Photograph
Banca d’Italia, Roma. Targa della sede centrale. License plate of the Bank of Italy headquarters in Rome. Foto royalty-free
Colosseum, details. Rome. Detail of a wall of the Colosseum. Some blocks of travertine were used to build other buildings. Roma foto.
Arch of Constantine. Rome. Detail of the Arch of Constantine. The arch is located near the Colosseum and is designed to commemorate the victory of Constantine against Maxentius.
Arco di Costantino. Roma. Arch of Constantine. The arch is located near the Colosseum and is designed to commemorate the victory of Constantine against Maxentius.
Coliseum Amphitheater. Rome. In the foreground an external wall of the Colosseum and in the background the Imperial Forums. The area is a huge open-air museum. Roma foto.
Colosseo Roma. Anfiteatro Flavio. Detail of the Colosseum also called the Flavian Amphitheater. The construction is made of travertine marble. Roma foto.
Colosseo, Anfiteatro Flavio. Roma. Detail of the Colosseum also called the Flavian Amphitheater. The construction is made of travertine marble.
Coliseum Rome. The Palatine Hill is in the foreground a detail of the Colosseum. The hill is a large open-air museum of ancient Rome. Pictured meadows and green trees
Colosseum Rome with tourists. Two tourists photograph the Colosseum. Below you see the road with car traffic and two red vans.
ENI Roma. Sede centrale EUR. ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Stock photo royalty-free. Società. Company building
INAIL sede centrale Roma EUR. Building of the INAIL headquarters in Rome Eur. Public company building
ENI headquartiers Rome EUR. ENI headquarters building in Rome Eur. Stock Photo royalty-free. Società. Company building
Building restructuring. Office Rome. Restructuring of an office building.
Guglielmo Marconi obelisk. Rome EUR. Obelisk to Gugliermo Marconi placed in Rome Eur.
Saluto fascista. Scultura all’EUR. Bronze statue of the Sports Genius in the EUR, Rome and European flag.
Edificio razionalista, Roma EUR. Building in the Eur district of Rome in an Italian rationalist style.
Fendi Roma. Palazzo EUR. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition.
Fendi palace Rome EUR. Palace of Italian Civilization built in Rome EUR. Fendi exhibition. Roma foto.
Trevi Fountain Rome. Neptune sculpture. Trevi Fountain in Rome with the sculpture of Neptune.
Fontana di Trevi, Roma. Trevi Fountain in Rome with the sculpture of Neptune.
Fontana del Moro, Roma. Piazza Navona Fontana del Moro in Piazza Navona in Rome. Roma foto.
Navona square Rome. Fountain. Fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona, Rome. Roma foto.
Ponte Sant’Angelo, Roma. Tiber river with the Vatican and St. Peter’s.
Court of Cassation, Rome. Palace of the Court of Cassation. Foto stock royalty free.
Sant’Angelo bridge, Rome. Tiber river with the Vatican and St. Peter’s.
Sant’Angelo Roma. Castello. Castel Sant’Angelo with the European flag. Stock Photo royalty free. Roma foto.
Panorama di Roma con l’Altare della Patria. Panorama of Rome with the Altar of the Fatherland.
Vatican photo stock. Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica.
Altare della Patria, Roma. Panorama of Rome with the Altar of the Fatherland
Vaticano, palazzi. Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica.
Castel Sant’Angelo, Roma. Castel Sant’Angelo (or mausoleum of Hadrian) in Rome. Roma foto.
Corte di Cassazione Roma. Palace of the Court of Cassation. Roma foto.
Marble bathtub White marble bathtub at the Baths of Diocletian in Rome.
Altare della Patria di Roma. Botticino marble sculptures placed on the Altare della Patria in Rome. Roma foto.
Villa Borghese a Roma. Greek temple of Aesculapius overlooking the lake of Villa Borghese. Roma foto.
Quirinale. Palazzo sede del Presidente della Repubblica italiana. Quirinal Palace. Residence of the President of the Italian Republic. Facade with pink sunset light.
Stadio dei marmi, Roma. Stadio dei marmi, Rome. Sculptures. Sculptures in white Carrara marble at the Stadio dei Marmi in Rome at the Foro Italico.
Parlamento italiano. Montecitorio. Palace of Montecitorio, seat of the Italian parliament. Roma foto.
San Paolo, basilica a Roma. Basilica of San Paolo outside the walls in Rome. Colonnade and facade. Roma foto.
Montecitorio, palazzo sede del Parlamento italiano. Palazzo di Montecitorio. Roma foto
Changing of the guard, Rome. Changing of the guard at the Quirinale palace in Rome. Soldiers in uniform with weapons. Roma foto.
Quirinale Roma. Terrazza con scultura. Terrace with sculpture and panorama of Rome. Palazzo del Quirinale, residence of the President of the Italian Republic.
Maxxi Roma. Museo arte contemporanea. Architecture of the building of the museum of contemporary art in Rome MACRO.
Stadio Olimpico Roma e stadio dei Marmi. Olympic stadium and marble stadium. White Carrara marble sculptures of the Italian forum in Rome.