Geothermal photos stock | Larderello | Tuscany | Italy

Power plants and boraciferous fumaroles

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Geothermal photos. The Photo geothermal gallery includes images taken in the municipality of Larderello in Tuscany. In this locality, since ancient times, there are phenomena of steam jets from the ground. Dante too, in his Divine Comedy, to describe hell, seems to have been inspired by the territory of these Tuscan hills. In the early 1900s, the exploitation of geothermal resources for the production of electricity began. ENEL owns several geothermal power plants in this area. The photo geothermal collection includes geothermal power plants with steam condensation towers, steam jets coming out of the ground, views of the Larderello geothermal museum. Photo geothermal also includes landscapes of the metalliferous hills with the village of Monterotondo Marittimo and the Biancane park.

Geothermal photos stock | Stock photos royalty-free