Lombardy photos | City | Environment | Industries

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Lombardy and Milan photos for your graphic projects. Lombard cities, environment, lakes, rivers, mountains, industries. A stock of photographs with royalty free licenses for all types of use in publishing, advertising, web and graphics. The “Photo Lombardia” collection includes photos of the city of Milan, with the new skyscrapers of Portanuova, Garibaldi and City life, photos of Lombard cities such as Varese, Busto Arsizio, photos of the industries and landscapes of Lombardy. The Lombard landscape is represented by images of lakes, rivers and mountains such as Lake Maggiore, the Ticino river.


Milan is the financial heart of Italy. This city is home to the Italian Stock Exchange and the main banks and insurance companies, such as Unicredit Banca, Generali, Allianz. These companies have recently built beautiful skyscrapers in the Citylife and Porta Garibaldi areas. The best known places in Milan are the Duomo, the Sforzesco Castle, the Alla Scala theater and the Brera Academy.

Rivers and canals

Milan is not a city built around the path of a river. To make up for this lack, in the past, artificial canals called Navigli were built. In the Lombardy photo collection there are images of the Naviglio Maggiore, the Villoresi Canal and the Ticino river that flow a few kilometers away from the city.

Lake Maggiore

Lake Maggiore, partly fed by the Ticino river, is partly located in the Lombardy region. The photo collection includes images of boats and the monastery of Santa Caterina del Sasso.

Busto Arsizio

Busto Arsizio is a Lombard city in the province of Varese. In the past, it housed numerous fabric factories. Today in Busto Arsizio there is an interesting fabric museum located inside an old factory. Inside the museum there are the machines used for drawing, weaving and finishing.


Varese is a city on a human scale, full of parks and green spaces. The main attractions are the Park and the Villa Estense, now the municipal seat and several buildings built during the Fascist period, such as the Palazzo delle Poste, the Chamber of Commerce, the Civic Tower.