Milan Photo | Duomo, fashion, skyscrapers | Lombardy | Italy
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Milan photo is a gallery of royalty free images about the capital city of Lombardy. In recent years in Milan there has been an urban renewal in the areas of Porta Nuova, Garibaldi, and in the spaces adjacent to the old trade fair, called City life. The photographs concern the main contemporary architectures with the buildings, the glass skyscrapers of the main multinational companies such as Unicredit bank, Assicurazioni Generali, BNP Paribas. The images also concern the main monuments of Milan such as the cathedral, the Brera academy, the Sforza castle.
Milan Photo Stock royalty free | Lombardy | Italy
Showing 1–100 of 338 results
Accademia di Brera a Milano. Brera Academy in Milan. Detail of Canova’s sculpture: Napoleon Bonaparte as a peacemaker Mars. The bronze statue is a copy of the original marble.
Accademia di Brera, Milano. Cortile con porticato e colonne e statua di Napoleone.
American embassy Milan. Palazzo in Piazza United States of America in Milan. Headquarters of the American embassy.
Ascensore panoramico a Milano. Panoramic lift with glass facade. In the background the Pirelli skyscraper in Milan. Central Station.
Binari della stazione. Milan, Central Station. Tracks 1 and 2 without train
Borsa di Milano. Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. The Milan Stock Exchange building in Piazza Affari with the work of Maurizio Cattelan.
Businessmen in Milan. Groups of business people at the Milan fair. Escalators and moving belts. Modern architecture in glass and steel.
Cattelan finger in Milan. Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. The Milan Stock Exchange building in Piazza Affari with the work of Maurizio Cattelan.
Cattelan Milano. Scultura del dito di Cattelan davanti alla Borsa di Milano. Palazzo della Borsa in Piazza Affari.
Cattelan’s finger. Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. The Milan Stock Exchange building in Piazza Affari with the work of Maurizio Cattelan.
Colored facades. Exhibition pavilions at the Milan Rho Pero fair. Steel buildings with colored facades.
Construction site lift. Renovation of an office building in Milan. Construction site freight elevator. Advertising of a smartphone posted on the facade.
Construction site vehicles. Construction site vehicles (trucks, excavators, bulldozers) in a large excavation for the construction of the new building of the Maggiore Policlinico hospital in Milan.
Construction vehicles. Construction site vehicles (trucks, excavators, bulldozers) in a large excavation for the construction of the new building of the Maggiore Policlinico hospital in Milan.
Costruzione ospedale. Major hospital, polyclinic. Implant piping resting on a steel structure. Fence of the construction site for the construction of the new hospital.
Coupled trains. Milan, Central Station. High speed locomotives.
Deserted station. Milan, Central Station. Rack 1 without trains
Dito Cattelan alla Borsa di Milano. Scultura del dito al palazzo della Borsa in Piazza Affari.
Dito di Cattelan alla Borsa di Milano. Sculpture of Cattelan’s finger in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. The Milan Stock Exchange building in Piazza Affari with the work of Maurizio Cattelan.
Duomo di Milano. La facciata del Duomo. Bandiere che sventolano sul cielo blu.
Duomo di Milano. Milan Cathedral facade with flags on blue sky. The facade of the cathedral with many people walking. Flags waving on the blue sky.
Duomo Milano. Il duomo è caratterizzato da numerose e alte guglie dove è collocata la famosa madonnina dorata.
Duomo Milano. Milan Cathedral facade with flags on blue sky. The facade of the cathedral with many people walking. Flags waving on the blue sky.
Empty station. Milan, Central Station. The almost empty station is a red arrow train
Facade of the Cathedral, Milan. Cathedral facade with blue sky.
Facciata Duomo Milano. In primo piano le arcate del portico. Foto stock.
Facciata gotica Duomo di Milano. Milan Cathedral facade with blue sky. In the foreground the arches of the portico.
Facciate colorate. Exhibition pavilions at the Milan Rho Pero fair. Steel buildings with colored facades.