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Giuseppe Verdi home. Plaque on the birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi. Stock photos.
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Giuseppe Verdi home.
Plaque on the birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi. Marble plaque with the inscription: This house, where on 10 October 1813, the first aura breathed, the musical genius of Verdi, the Marquises Giuseppe and Leopoldina Pallavicino wanted, kept as it is to the greedy gaze of posterity. 1872 Stock photos. Busseto, Parma, Italy. About September 2021Giuseppe Verdi home
Targa sulla casa natale di Giuseppe Verdi. Targa marmorea con l'iscrizione. La casa colonica è stata recentemente ristrutturata con un nuovo intonaco e con un bel tetto in coppi di cotto.
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