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Marble plaque. Marble plaque on the birthplace of the musician Giuseppe Verdi in Busseto. Stock photos.

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Marble plaque.

Marble plaque on the birthplace of the musician Giuseppe Verdi in Busseto. Plaque on the birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi. Marble plaque with the inscription : From the humble home to the conquest of a world moved the worker. With him the divine breath of the Latin soul expanded through the world. The humble giant returned to the humble ones who work, the glorious wealth departed. Stock photos. Busseto, Parma, Italy. About September 2021Marble plaque

Targa in marmo sulla casa natale del musicista Giuseppe Verdi a Busseto. Targa sulla casa natale di Giuseppe Verdi. Targa in marmo con la scritta: Da l'umile casa alla conquista di un mondo mosse il lavoratore. Con lui per l'orbe il divino soffio de l'anima latina si espanse. Gigante a li umili tornò a li umili che lavorano, la gloriosa dovizia partì.

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