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Residential BUilding. Busto Arsizio. Modern tower building set in front of a leafless tree. On the central part of the building you can see the vertical window of the stairwell.

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Residential building.

Modern tower building set in front of a leafless tree. On the central part of the building you can see the vertical window of the stairwell. A series of triangular balconies highlights the verticality of the building. Facade cladding with light colored stone. Busto Arsizio, Varese, Lombardy, about 2021. Stock photo royalty free Residential building

Moderno edificio a torre posto di fronte a un albero senza foglie. Sulla parte centrale del fabbricato si nota la vetrata verticale del corpo scale. Una serie di balconi triangolari evidenzia la verticalità dell’edificio. Rivestimento di facciata con pietra di colore chiaro.

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