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Direction arrows on the mountain path. Signage on the trails of the Apuan Alps mountains in Alta Versilia. Stock photos.
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Direction arrows on the mountain path.
Signage on the trails of the Apuan Alps mountains in Alta Versilia. Tourists and hikers can orient themselves with the signs along the routes. A post not numerous arrows made by the CAI (Italian Alpine Club). Stock photos. Alpi Apuane, Tuscany, Italy. About 08-2020.Direction arrows
Segnaletica sui sentieri delle montagne Alpi Apuane in Alta Versilia. I turisti e gli escursionisti si possono orientare con i cartelli segnaletici lungo i percorsi. Un paletto non numerose frecce segnaletiche realizzate dal CAI (Club Alpino Italiano). Alpi Apuane, Toscana, Italia, Circa 08-2020.
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