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Environment destruction. Panorama of the Carrara marble quarries on the Apuan Alps in Tuscany.
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Environment destruction.
Panorama of the Carrara marble quarries on the Apuan Alps in Tuscany. In the mountains, white Carrara marble is extracted. The excavation of the marble has produced a serious environmental and ecological problem. The photo shows the steep dirt roads that climb up to the places where the marble is extracted. Stock photo royalty free Environment destruction
Distruzione ambiente.
Panorama delle cave di marmo di Carrara sulle Alpi Apuane in Toscana. Sulle montagne si estrae il marmo bianco di Carrara. L’escavazione del marmo ha prodotto un grave problema ambientale ed ecologico.La foto mostra le ripide strade sterrate che si inerpicano sino ai luoghi di estrazione del marmo. Foto stock
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