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Dangers at work in a marble quarry. Marble quarry in the Apuan Alps in Tuscany. Stock photos.

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Dangers at work in a marble quarry.

Marble quarry in the Apuan Alps in Tuscany. Work in the marble quarries presents many dangers of serious injury. A small statue of the Madonna set in a marble stone watches over the work of the workers. In this area there are some quarries of white marble that is extracted from the mountain with open-air quarries. Stock photos. Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. About 08-2020.Dangers at work

Cava di marmo nelle Alpi Apuane in Toscana. Il lavoro nelle cave di marmo presenta molti pericoli di gravi lesioni. Una piccola statua della Madonna incastonata in una pietra di marmo veglia sul lavoro delle maestranze. In questa zona sono presenti alcune cave di marmo bianco che viene estratto dalla montagna con cave a cielo aperto. Foto d'archivio. Alpi Apuane, Toscana, Italia. Circa 08-2020.

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