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Christ of the quarryman. Colonnata. Marble quarries in Colonnata and monument to the quarryman. The town is famous for the lardo di Colonnata and for the extraction of the white Carrara marble. Colonnata, Carrara, Tuscany, Italy.
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Christ of the quarryman. Colonnata.
Colonnata, Carrara, Tuscany, Italy. Colonnata marble quarries and the monument to the quarryman. The photo shows the monument dedicated to the “Cristo del Cavatore” or “Monument to the quarryman”. The monument consists of a sculpture depicting Christ and some marble panels with bas-reliefs. The sculpture is the work of the Carrarese sculptor Alberto Sparapani. In the background of the photo we can distinguish the mountains of the Apuan Alps with the marble quarries. Photo stock royalty free Christ of the quarryman
Colonnata, Carrara, Toscana, Italia. Cave di marmo di Colonnata e il monumento al cavatore. La foto mostra il monumento dedicato al “Cristo del Cavatore” o “Monumento al cavatore”. Il monumento è composto da una scultura raffigurante il cristo e da alcuni pannelli in marmo con bassorilievi. La scultura è opera dello scultore carrarese Alberto Sparapani. Sullo sfondo della foto si distinguono le montagene delle Alpi Apuane con le cave di marmo.
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