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Colonnata panorama. Panoramic shot of the village of Colonnata, where the famous lard is produced. The walls of the houses in stone and white Carrara marble. Woods background. Northern Tuscany. Colonnata, Carrara, Italy.

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Colonnata panorama.

Colonnata, Carrara, Tuscany, Italy. Overview of the village of Colonnata, where the famous lard is produced. The walls of the houses in stone and white Carrara marble. Woods background. Northern Tuscany. Photo stock royalty free Colonnata panorama

Panoramica del paese di Colonnata, dove si produce il famoso lardo. I muri delle case in pietra e marmo bianco di Carrara. Bosco sullo sfondo. Toscana settentrionale. Colonnata, Carrara, Toscana, Italia.

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